Do fish recognize themselves in the mirror ?

 The ability of fish to recognize themselves in the mirror is a topic of debate and is not yet fully understood.

Do fish recognize themselves in the mirror

While some studies have suggested that certain species of fish, such as the cleaner wrasse and the archerfish, can recognize themselves in the mirror, others have found no evidence of self-recognition.

In one experiment, researchers placed a colored mark on the forehead of fish and then observed their behavior in front of a mirror. The cleaner wrasse was found to exhibit behaviors that suggest self-recognition, such as repeatedly inspecting the mark on their forehead while in front of the mirror.

However, it is important to note that the ability to recognize oneself in the mirror is not necessarily an indication of higher intelligence or self-awareness. Many animals, including some birds and primates, have demonstrated this ability, but it is not clear what it means in terms of their cognitive abilities or understanding of the world around them.

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